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The Wunderlabel
Creative Blog

By Terra on 04/16/2018

The Anatomy of a Well Designed Laundry Label

The Anatomy of a Well Designed Laundry Label

"Each and every laundry label is unique to the item it’s accompanying, but including some basic and key information results in the perfect label for your piece."

Laundry labels are an industry standard when you’re talking about labeling and branding. Whether you’re making your own clothing or producing high fashion for the runway, instructions on how to care for the garment is important.

There are many bits of information which can be included on a  Composite Laundry Label. Each and every laundry label is unique to the item it’s accompanying, but including some basic and key information results in the perfect label for your piece.

The Anatomy of a Well Designed Laundry Label

First, let’s talk about what is available on our Composite Laundry Labels. At the very top of the label, you are allotted 1 line of text with your choice of font. Lines 2 & 3 underneath are available for text and are set with Arial font.

Next, you can choose up to 5 laundry symbols. More information is better than too little, so we recommend choosing all 5 symbols.

On the lower portion of the label, up to 4 lines of text are available which are set with Arial font as well.

As we said before, each laundry label is unique, but including the basics such as your company name, fabric content, thorough laundry instructions in the form of symbols and country of origin will give you a solid start.

Other details to consider: your website, company slogan or motto, batch number and sizing. The sky really is the limit, but if you follow these simple tips your composite laundry label design is sure to be a success.

By the way, do you know that celebrities also sew?

Ready to get started? You can start designing your laundry labels today!

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