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The Wunderlabel
Creative Blog

By Tighe Flanagan on 10/09/2017

Finish Your Makes in Style with Quality Hang Tags

Finish Your Makes in Style with Quality Hang Tags

Hello to my fellow makers, sewists and entrepreneurs!

When I’ve finished my make (in my case, usually a quilted pillow) I like to step back and take it all in. I’m proud of the things I create, and love to see the finished product. Adding a few extras here and there also enhances the “finish”. I use woven labels to sign my work (much like a painter would sign their canvas), and I add composite laundry labels as well so that my customers know how to care for their new treasures.

At that point, the items should just sell themselves, right? We can step up our finishing game to the next level with some hang tags. These tags signal quality to your customer with the high quality paper and cord.

Hang Tags from Wunderlabel

Customer can have hang tags printed with their own logo or with text & symbol. Use them as specialised product tags, custom gift tags or personalised paper tags. They are made of sturdy 300 gsm standard paper couche and are available with or without cords for hanging. Rectangular: 97 x 36 mm. Round: 51 mm diameter. Get creative! 

<iframe src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%" allowfullscreen width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>

For your customer, a quality hang tag can give some familiar signals that they are used to seeing in shops and department stores, and can lend trust to your product from an unknown brand.

Finish Your Makes in Style with Quality Hang Tags

Hang tags give you, the maker, some benefits as well. You can print on both sides of the tag, giving you a lot of options. Since I offer many different styles of products, I decided to add clear labels to one side of the hang tag with specific product information.

 Finish Your Makes in Style with Quality Hang Tags

 DC Flag quilted pillow in pink.

You can give it a product name, dimensions, a size, or any other information that would be useful to know about it. And you can have each tag say something different!

Finish Your Makes in Style with Quality Hang Tags

Attaching the hang tag is easy. I selected the black cord that Wunderlabel gives as an option, and I attach it to my makes with a small safety pin. I love the result, and know that my customers do as well. Let me know what you think! Follow me on Instagram or check out my listings on Etsy.

Finish Your Makes in Style with Quality Hang Tags

Writer: Tighe Flanagan

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