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The Wunderlabel
Creative Blog

By Wunderlabel on 10/21/2024

Printed Ribbon

History of Printed Ribbon

The birth of the ribbon weaving industry, likely dating back to the Middle Ages, came about through the invention of the horizontal loom. But the history of printed ribbon is closely tied to the invention of synthetic satin and digital printing. Satin has been a prized material for centuries, characterized by its smooth, shiny surface. Originally used only for luxurious clothing and textiles, it has now found its way into decorative ribbons for merchandising, packaging or special occasions.

Satin - a Fabric with Tradition

Satin originated in medieval China, specifically in the city of Quanzhou. It was originally made from silk, which is why satin was considered exclusive for a long time. Due to its costly production, it was initially reserved for the nobility and upper classes, and was used for trimming head coverings, garments and furnishings. Weaving satin from synthetic materials such as polyester made the fabric more accessible and affordable. 

The Use of Satin for Ribbons

The history of ribbon as we know it today really starts in the 20th century, satin began to establish itself outside the fashion world and ribbon became much more widely used by the common public. The demand for ribbon increased as it was being used to adorn packaging in the way of stylish bows. It was also used in textile manufacture and by individuals to decorate clothing and other items: Bonnets, blouses, cloaks, underclothes, aprons, linen and even elaborate evening dresses. They also served as adornments in the form of hatbands, armbands and sashes. Satin ribbons offered an elegant way to present products. In the past, printing techniques such as screen printing were used for the manufacture of ribbon. This was inflexible and time consuming. 

Digital Printing for the Manufacture of Ribbon 

The invention of digital printing has revolutionized the production of ribbon and the ribbon industry. It allows for precise and detailed ribbon design without up-front costs or complicated printing plates. As a result, ribbons can be produced with individual and personalized designs, such as logos or slogans. 

Satin Ribbon in the Modern Day

Today, ribbon production still plays an important role in the gift market and for branding. There are many different types of ribbons being produced today.  Their use though has shifted slightly over time. Ribbons are now used as ornaments at events for table displays and wedding stationery, at florists for decorating bouquets, as logo ribbon on packaging, as remembrance or awareness tokens and for gift wrapping. Many keep the ribbons of their favorite brands as a status symbol after unpacking and continue to use them as hair accessories, for example. Ribbon from special occasions can also make a cherished keepsake.