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The Wunderlabel
Creative Blog

By Terra on 05/29/2017

Wunderlabel Highlight: Hang Tags for Special Occasions

Wunderlabel Highlight: Hang Tags for Special Occasions

While we usually think of hang tags as something to use on clothing or accessories, we’ve seen other very creative ways to use them.  One of our favorites is to use hang tags to decorate for special occasions.  

Wunderlabel Highlight: Hang Tags for Special Occasions

Spring is in the air and that means wedding season is upon us!  Hang tags are a creative and cost effective way to add a personal touch to wedding and shower decorations.  They can be used to spruce up flower arrangements, party favors and goody bags.  

Wunderlabel Highlight: Hang Tags for Special Occasions

We all know weddings and flowers go hand in hand.  Whether you’re creating your flower arrangements yourself or with the help of a florist, hang tags can give your arrangements an extra special touch.  Hang tags with a special message or simply the name of the bride and groom look amazing!

Wunderlabel Highlight: Hang Tags for Special Occasions

Whether you're gifting homemade cookies, candied almonds, or sewing fabric Mason jar covers, attach a hang tag to make your packaging look extraordinary. A simple box of treats can instantly feel upscale, and party favors can double as stunning decor. This idea works perfectly for wedding attendant gifts, too.

Stickers can be a nice touch for small gifts and envelopes.  

Wunderlabel Highlight: Hang Tags for Special Occasions

No matter what you choose to embellish, Wunderlabel is here to help!  Our customer service and design team can help you create the perfect creation for your special occasion!

Wunderlabel Highlight: Hang Tags for Special Occasions

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