"At the heart of Lattikka is individuality - both my own and that of my customers."
We are blown away by the style inspiration we receive when looking at Lattikka designs. Irina, the creative force behind Lattikka, has taken she something she truly loves and turned it into a dressmaking business. Her talent, style and drive is a winning trifecta which has obviously equaled success and an abundance of beautiful designs. We are proud to be her label provider.
Introducing Lattikka!
Lattikka is not solely a brand for me. Lattikka is the lens through which I view the world – fashion, philosophy, creative ambition; it was, and is, many things, all of which I hold dear. I started sewing at a very young age, and, throughout the years, it became the hobby that I had the most opportunity to nurture and develop. Lattikka itself has been through many transformations, from style and personal presentation blog, to styling ideas and re-modelling, but I think I always knew it was only a matter of time before it became a made to measure dressmaking service. At the heart of Lattikka is individuality - both my own and that of my customers. Despite the tendency of the auteur to put their own personal touch on things, I find it important to let my customer's personalities shine through too.
When creating anything, it is important to have your name attached to it - It is not only about the ownership or credit, but also having pride in what you do. Maybe my mark won't make waves in the fashion industry on the whole, but leaving an impression on my customers wardrobes? That is something I can get behind. There's a certain ceremony to attaching a label - it is never an afterthought, but fitted to ‘draw some attention to itself’. It's the icing on the cake!
Inspiration is hard to pin down. Sometimes it can be a singular flash of creativity, sometimes it is a long, meticulous process, weighing out all of the details and refining them over several months. At times it is neither and you really don't know what to expect in the end – surrendering to the process is the only option at times like this, and I've often created my best work when 'switching off'. Ultimately though, the love of the craft is beneath it all. Lattikka Style can be found on Instagram, Facebook and her on the Lattikka Style website.
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