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By Terra on 04/03/2017

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Easter is right around the corner and what better way to decorate than with these cute fabric easter eggs.  This simple project can be completed in an afternoon and enjoyed for years to come!  It’s a great way to use up all those scraps of fabric that are just too small for anything else.  We love that these eggs can be made using mismatched fabric and still look adorable.  Let’s get started!

You will need

  • A variety of fabrics
  • Cardstock
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon to match your fabrics – 18cm per egg
  • Fiberfill
  • Thread to blend with your fabrics – we used grey, because it blends well with almost all colors.

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Make a template out of cardstock for the egg sections.  The template should be symmetrical and in a general egg shape - use our photo for reference.  Our template measures 12cm tall and 6cm wide at the widest point.  By using these dimensions, the finished egg will measure 8 cm tall and 5 cm wide at the widest point. 

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Each egg requires 4 egg shaped sections of fabric.  We made 12 eggs, so we cut 48 pieces using our template.  To cut several pieces of fabric at once, place the pieces together and pin to keep the layers of fabric from shifting while cutting.

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Baste both ends of a piece of ribbon onto the top of one piece of fabric per egg – your basting stitch should be a little less than 0.75cm from the raw edge of the fabric. Make sure the ribbon is not twisted and is facing towards the middle of the eggs, with the raw edges aligned.

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Take 2 pieces of fabric and place the right sides together.  Sew along one side of the egg shape using a 0.75cm seam allowance. Set your stitch length a little smaller than usual and go slow – this will help keep the curves rounded.  Repeat with a second set of fabric pieces.  You will now have 2 pieces, each containing 2 sewn-together egg sections.

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Align the two pieces so that the right sides are together and the seams match. 

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Sew the 2 pieces together around the entire outside edge, leaving a turning gap of 2-3cm.  It’s a good idea to place the turning gap in the middle of the seam so that the ends are nicely curved when finished. Check that your ribbon is not caught in your seam, and don’t forget to backstitch before and after your turning gap.

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Turn the eggs the right way out through your turning gap. Use a blunt pencil or your fingers to poke out any stubborn parts if necessary!  Fill the eggs with fiber fill.  Use your finger or a blunt pencil to push the stuffing through the turning gap and move it around so that the egg is evenly filled.

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Tuck in the fabric at the turning gap and stitch closed using a ladder stitch.  

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial


Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Hanging Fabric Easter Eggs Tutorial

Seamstress: Emma Lorenz

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