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The Wunderlabel
Creative Blog!

By Terra on 08/06/2018

DIY Belt

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

"These easy to make kids belts are perfect for kids of all ages!"

The new school year is fast approaching! These easy to make kids belts are perfect for kids of all ages and they are a great way to use up some scrap fabric you may have in your stash. D rings can be found in craft stores, fabric shops or online and are very inexpensive.  

Finished dimensions: 2x67cm (1x27in), depending on measurements used

You will need:

  • Fabric
  • 2 x D rings – ours are 2.5cm (1in) wide, but you can use wider or narrower ones depending on the look you want. You’ll need to adjust the width of the fabric strip though.
  • Interfacing – we used G700, a lightweight woven type of interfacing – SF101 is another alternative.
  • Thread in a matching colour

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Measure the waist of the child you want to make a belt for, and add 16.5cm (6.5in) to this measurement for the length of your belt – our waist measurement was 56cm (22in), so we cut the fabric at 72.5cm (28.5in).

Cut your fabric and interfacing. For both, the strip needs to be as long as you measured in the previous step and 6.5cm (2.5in) wide, or twice the width of your D rings plus 1.5cm (0.5in) if you’re using different size D rings. Fuse the interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

Fold the fabric right sides together and with the long sides together. Sew all the way along the long side with a 0.75cm (0.25in) seam allowance, backstitching at the beginning and end of the seam.

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

Turn the tube of fabric the right way out and press flat with the seam running along one side. Topstitch along both long sides.

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

At one end of the belt, fold the fabric over once by 0.75cm (0.25in) and then again by 1.5cm (0.5in) to make a hem. Stitch in place.

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

Slide the D rings onto the belt and hem again as before, with the D rings tucked up inside the fold at the end of the belt.

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

To use the belt, slide the end through the D rings, turn it back and then tuck it over the first D ring and under the second one.

Sew Your Own Belts for Back to School

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