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By Terra on 08/14/2017

Tips for Storing your Winter Wardrobe

Tips for Storing your Winter Wardrobe

"Cedar balls or sachets will keep your clothing smelling fresh while deterring pests."

Not everyone has a sprawling walk-in closet to accommodate all seasons of their wardrobe. Often times winter clothing, shoes, boots and coats need to be stored away to make way for our summer clothing. Follow these easy guidelines to store your wardrobe correctly.

Clean it!

Before storing your winter items away for the summer, make sure all clothing, jackets, coats, hats and scarves are clean and free of any perfume and deodorants. Shoes and boots should be wiped down

and the sole rid of any dirt.

 Tips for Storing your Winter Wardrobe


Non-delicates can be stored in plastic bins. Don’t pack them too tightly, leave some breathing room. Start by placing the larger and heavier items on the bottom and layer smaller and lighter items on top. Place cedar balls or sachet into the bin to deter pests and keep your clothing smelling fresh.


Delicate items, made of natural fibers, should always be stored in a breathable container such as a cotton storage bin. Wrap items in acid free tissue paper and stack them loosely into the box. Cedar balls or sachet are also a good idea when storing delicate items. Pests love nothing more than to get cozy in natural fibers and cedar is a great way to keep them away.

Shoes and Boots

Shoes and boots should be stored with shoe and boot trees and the next best step would be to place them into cotton shoe bags. The shoe trees help shoes maintain their shape and the cotton bags keep them dust free while deterring pests.

Tips for Storing your Winter Wardrobe

Leather, Fur and Specialty Items

Due to its tendency to crease after folding, leather items should be hung and covered with a cotton garment bag. The same is the case for fur, faux fur, sequins or any other heavy or hard to fold item. Hanging helps keep the shape of the garment while protecting it from creases and wrinkles.

Tips for Storing your Winter Wardrobe

Keep in mind that storing items in plastic bins can be okay if they are only being stored for 1 or 2 seasons. If it needs to be a longer period of time, cotton bins are always a better bet. Never store any clothing in plastic storage vacuum bags.  Because of the lack of airflow, mold is a high possibility. Clothing is best stored in a cool and dry area away from any direct sunlight.

Now, go forth and store with confidence!

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Writer: Terra

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