Fun Baby Shower Gifts to Sew There’s excitement all around with the imminent arrival of a new little bundle of joy. A baby shower is a… By Annabelle Short on 08/05/2016
The Top 10 UK Crafting Blogs Whether looking for easy-to-make (and clean up) kids crafts, such as pompoms and finger puppets, to elaborate… By Annabelle Short on 07/25/2016
[Infographic] 9 Pieces of Traditional Clothing You Have NEVER Worn (Part 2) We recently published an infographic featuring 10 pieces of traditional clothing from around the world. We… By Annabelle Short on 07/04/2016
The 10 Best Beginner Quilt Patterns A handmade quilt is a great way to create a cozy blanket or a lovely personal gift. Plus, it can provide you… By Annabelle Short on 02/29/2016